The Bureau encourages the reproduction of information available in the Newsroom and on its website for the purpose of media reporting, provided the Bureau of Meteorology is acknowledged as the source of this information in accordance with guidelines for the use of Commonwealth intellectual property. Go to the Attribution page for more information.
For audio and video files select Hi res (Low res will only download the cover image).
Victoria's June climate summary
01 July 2021
Audio news release with Senior Climate Researcher, Dr Andrew Marshall, discussing the June climate summary for Victoria. Current as of 2pm on 01 July 2021.
Audio news release - Tas June climate summary
01 July 2021
Audio news release with Senior Climate Researcher, Dr Andrew Marshall, about the June climate summary for Tasmania. Current from 2pm on 01 July 2021.
Kalgoorlie radar upgrade video
29 June 2021
Video with details of Kalgoorlie radar upgrade available for download here:
Kalgoorlie radar upgrade complete tile
29 June 2021
Image with facts about the Kalgoorlie radar upgrade.
Kalgoorlie radar upgrade complete
29 June 2021
Images of the Kalgoorlie radar upgrade.
VIDEO: Media conference New South Wales rainfall (Part 2 Q&A)
20 March 2021
The Bureau Of Meteorology held a media conference at 12PM Saturday 0 March 2021 detailing the heavy rainfall and widespread flooding situation affecting parts of New South Wales.
VIDEO: Media conference New South Wales rainfall
20 March 2021
The Bureau Of Meteorology held a media conference at 12PM Saturday 20 March 2021 detailing the heavy rainfall and widespread flooding situation affecting parts of New South Wales.

Mildura radar images
15 March 2021
Photo of Mildura radar

Mildura radar coverage area
15 March 2021
Map of new radar coverage area

Mildura radar footage
15 March 2021
Broadcast quality footage of radar and background information on radar operations
AUDIO: Snow, wind & rain for Tasmania
04 August 2020
Senior Meteorologist Simon Louis discusses Tasmania's forecast for the coming days.
Download audio here, current at noon on 3 August 2020.

AUDIO: Victoria's last sunshine before a wintry blast
18 May 2020
Meteorologist Chris Arvier from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses the forecast for Victoria, which sees cold, windy conditions as the week progreses.
Download audio here, current at 11.30am 18/05/2020

AUDIO: Victoria's weekend cold snap
08 May 2020
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the cold weather heading Victoria's way over the weekend.
Download audio here, current at 11.30am 8/5/2020

Mildura Radar site announcement
08 May 2020
Download images of the new Mildura radar project from the following links:

AUDIO: Victoria's windy weather continues
07 May 2020
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the forecast for the coming days.
Download audio here, current at 1.30pm 7/5/2020

AUDIO: Windy days heading Victoria's way
06 May 2020
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the winds forecast for the state.
Download audio here, current at 11.30am 06/05/2020

AUDIO: Victorian rainfall wrap & weekend forecast
01 May 2020
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the recent rain and forecast for the weekend.
Download audio here, current at 11.30am 01/05/2020

AUDIO: Rain for Victoria with more on the way
30 April 2020
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the forecast for Victoria and the notable rainfall totalls from the past 48 hours.
Download audio here, current at 10.30am 30/04/2020
AUDIO: Cold blast approaching SA
27 April 2020
Meteorologist Bonnie Haselgrove from the Bureau of Meteorology South Australia discusses for forecast for the coming days, which includes wet, windy and cold conditions this week with potential for thunderstorms and small hail.

AUDIO: Cold fronts bringing rain and more for Victoria
27 April 2020
Senior Meteorologist Tom Delamotte from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the weather systems moving Victoria's way in the coming days.
For the latest weather and warnings go to: and
Download audio here, current at 11.30am on 27 April 2020.

AUDIO: Victoria's forecast for ANZAC Day and beyond
24 April 2020
Senior Meteorologist Tom Delamotte from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the weather for ANZAC Day and beyond.
Download audio here, current at 10.30am 24/04/2020
AUDIO: Cold fronts heading for Victoria
22 April 2020
Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology's Victorian office discused the weather forecast for the state over the coming days.
Download audio here, current at noon on 22 April 2020.

VIDEO: On World Meteorological Day, Australia's weather from space
23 March 2020
The Bureau of Meteorology has released a video condensing nine months' worth of Australian weather into just two minutes.
VIDEO: Annual Climate Statement 2019 press conference
09 January 2020
Recording of Dr Andrew Watkins discussing the outlook for the coming months.
VIDEO: Annual Climate Statement 2019 press conference
09 January 2020
Recording of press conference regarding the Bureau's Annual Climate Statement 2019 with manager of climate monitoring Dr Karl Braganza.
BOM staff say good-bye to Aussie summer as the Antarctic season kicks off
25 October 2019
Why spend your summer relaxing at the beach when you can spend it among the ice-cold wonders of Antarctica, at least that's what the Bureau of Meteorology's 2019–20 Antarctic expeditioners think. This year's successful applicants are swapping their shorts for padded outwear and beanies as the Bureau officially launches its Antarctic expedition on Friday, 25 October.

AUDIO: Cool change after warm night in Victoria
25 October 2019
Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the cool change moving through Victoria following a warm night.
Audio current as 9:30am AEDT on 25 October 2019.
AUDIO: Weekend cold snap for Victoria
18 October 2019
Senior Meteorologist Tom Delamotte from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses conditions for the days ahead. Audio current at 3.30pm 17/10/2019
AUDIO: Tasmania severe weather warning
06 September 2019
Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania Senior Meteorologist, Simon Louis, discusses upcoming severe weather for the state.
Audio current as of 10.30am on 06 September 2019.

AUDIO: Wet and windy weather on the way for Victoria
05 September 2019
Senior Meteorologist, Michael Efron, from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria, discusses upcoming severe weather across the state.
Audio is current as of 2.30pm on 05 September 2019.
AUDIO: Severe weather warning and heavy rain for Tasmania
05 September 2019
Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania meteorologist, Alex Melitsis, discusses upcoming severe weather across the state.
Audio current as of 10:30am AEST.

AUDIO: Victoria severe weather forecast
04 September 2019
Senior Meteorologist, Michael Efron, from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria, discusses upcoming severe weather across the state.
Audio is current as of 1.30pm on 04 September 2019.
VIDEO: 2019 Spring Outlook and national weather wrap
29 August 2019
Bureau Manager of Long Range Forecasts Dr Andrew Watkins discusses the outlook for spring and the preliminary winter summary. He was joined by national weather meteorologist Dean Narramore who gave the national forecast.
An audio version of the press conference can be found here.
VIDEO: Series of cold fronts to impact southeast Australia
07 August 2019
Bureau of Meteorology National Operations Centre Manager Michael Logan, Bureau of Meteorology Victoria Severe Weather Manager Steven McGibbony and SES Victoria State Agency Commander Alistair Drayton discuss a number of cold front that will impact Victoria and southeast Australia in the coming days.

AUDIO: Victoria's wintry blast
06 August 2019
Senior forecaster, Richard Carlyon, from the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne, discusses the cold fronts that are heading Victoria's way later this week. Audio current at 11am on 6/8/2019.

AUDIO: Tasmania's July climate summary
01 August 2019
Climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses Tasmania's climate summary for July.
Audio current at 12pm AEST on 1 August 2019.

AUDIO: Victoria's windy weather ahead
17 July 2019
Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the latest forecast for the state. Audio current at 11.30am AEST on 17/7/2019.

AUDIO: Victoria expecting another blast of windy weather
16 July 2019
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the forecast for the state. Audio current at 2.30pm AEST on 16/7/2019.
AUDIO: More wet, windy weather for Tasmania
13 July 2019
Senior Meteorologist, Michael Laczko, from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania discusses the forecast for the state over the coming days. Audio current as of 2pm AEST on 13/7/2019.
VIDEO: A second, stronger cold front forecast for NSW on Friday-Saturday
11 July 2019
Meteorologist, Helen Kirkup, from the Bureau of Meteorology Sydney discusses the NSW forecast for the coming days, which includes damaging winds, snowrain and blizzard conditions. Video current at 12pm on 11/7/2019.
AUDIO: More strong winds forecast for Tasmania
11 July 2019
Meteorologist Tim Bolden from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania discusses recent conditions and the state's forecast for the coming days. Audio current as of 1.30pm on 11/7/2019.
AUDIO: Cold fronts to continue impacting Victoria
11 July 2019
Meteorologist Rod Dickson from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses a cold front that impacted Victoria overnight. Rod also discusses the forecast conditions over the coming days with more cold fronts expected.
Audio current as of 10:30am AEST.
AUDIO: Tasmania preparing for damaging winds and possible flooding
10 July 2019
Meteorologist Tim Bolden from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses Tasmania's forecast for the coming days, which includes potentially damaging winds and minor flood warnings. Audio current at 2.30pm AEST 10/7/2019

AUDIO: Cold front with damaging winds forecast for Victoria
09 July 2019
Senior Forecaster Keris Arndt discusses the significant cold front forecast to extend across Victoria on Wednesday, with the potential for damaging winds. Audio current as of 12pm AEST 9/7/2019.
VIDEO: Hazardous surf expected for NSW and QLD coasts
05 July 2019
Forecaster Rebecca Farr from the Bureau of Meteorology discussed the conditions expected for the weekend ahead.

AUDIO: Tasmania's climate summary for June
01 July 2019
Climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania discusses the June Climate summary for the island state. Audio current as of 12pm on 1 July 2019.

AUDIO: Frosty weather on the way for Victoria
20 June 2019
Senior Forecaster Keris Arndt discusses the frosty conditions expected across Victoria for the coming few days. Audio current as of 4pm AEST 20/6/2019.
AUDIO: Tasmania's Queen's Birthday long weekend weather
07 June 2019
Supervising Meteorologist, Simon Louis, from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania discusses the Queen's Birthday long-weekend forecast. This audio is current as of 10.45am on 07 June 2019.
AUDIO: Tasmania's Autumn Climate Summary
03 June 2019
Senior Climatologist, Ian Barnes-Keoghan, from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses the conditions that prevailed in may and throughout autumn 2019 in Tasmania. Thi audio is current at 10.30am on 3 June 2019.
AUDIO: Warm and dry week for Victoria
20 May 2019
Senior Forecaster, Rod Dickson, from the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne, discusses the forecast for Melbourne, and Victoria, which are expecting an extended run of dry conditions with maximum temperatures of 20 degrees or higher.
Audio current at 11am on 20/5/2019.
AUDIO: Queensland April climate summary
01 May 2019
Interview with Climatologist Tamika Tihema from the Bureau of Meteorology Queensland regarding the April climate summary. Current as of 12pm on 1 May 2019:

AUDIO: Tasmania April climate summary
01 May 2019
Interview with climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania. Current as of 12.30pm on 1 May 2019.

AUDIO: Mid-week rain & thunderstorms heading for Victoria
29 April 2019
Senior Forecaster Michael Efron from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the weather heading for the state and the uncertainty of predicting precisely how much rain will fall where.
Audio current at 11am on 29/04/2019.

AUDIO: Tasmania ANZAC Day forecast
24 April 2019
Meteorologist Matthew Thomas from Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania discusses the weather forecast for ANZAC Day in Tasmania. Audio current as of 10.15am on 24 April 2019.
AUDIO: Tasmania's Easter long weekend forecast
18 April 2019
Rachel McInerney from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses Tasmania's long weekend forecast. Audio current as of 11:00am AEST on 18 April 2019.

AUDIO: Easter long weekend national weather wrap
18 April 2019
Bureau senior meteorologist Grace Legge discusses the national forecast for the Easter long weekend. Audio current as of 12:00pm AEST on 18 April 2019.

WEATHER UPDATE: Developing tropical low to the north of WA
05 April 2019
Meteorologist, Andrea Peace discusses the tropical low to the northwest of the Top End, which is forecast to develop into a tropical cyclone in the next 24 hours. If it does it will be named Tropical Cyclone Wallace.
This video is current at 3pm AEDT on Friday 5 April 2019

AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Vic weekend forecast & factory fire info
05 April 2019
Senior Forecaster Michael Efron from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the inversion related to this morning's fire at Campbellfield, and the weekend's forecast for the state. Audio current at 10.00am on 05/04/2019

WEATHER UPDATE: developing tropical low northwest of the Top End, 4 April 2019
04 April 2019
Meteorologist, Jonathan How: discusses the tropical low off the northwest of the Top End, which may develop into a tropical cyclone. If it does, it will be named Wallace.
This video is current at 3pm AEDT on Thursday 4 April 2019.

AUDIO: Cold front crossing Victoria
29 March 2019
Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses the significant change on the way, when it's due in Melbourne, and what the state can expect over the weekend. This audio is current at 11am on Friday 29 March 2019.
AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Cold front approaching Victoria
28 March 2019
Senior Meteorologist Rod Dickson discusses the warm conditions which will make way for a significant cold front approaching Victoria – due in Melbourne late tomorrow. This audio is current at 10.00am 28/3/2019.

WEATHER UPDATE: ex-tropical cyclone Veronica, Tuesday 26 March 2019
26 March 2019
Senior Meteorologist, Andrea Peace, discusses ex-tropical cyclone Veronica, and its effects on the Pilbara coast of WA. Video is current at 2.30pm AEDT on 26 March 2019.
VIDEO NEWS RELEASE: Two severe tropical cyclones
22 March 2019
Senior Meteorologist, Dean Sgarbossa, from the Bureau of Meteorology's Extreme Weather Desk, discusses the two severe tropical cyclones, Trevor and Veronica, off the NT/Qld and West Australian coasts respectively. This video is current at 1pm on Friday 22 March 2019.
AUDIO: tropical cyclone Trevor update - 21 March 2019
21 March 2019
Meteorologist, Lauren Pattie, from the Bureau of Meteorology Queensland office, discusses the latest on Tropical Cyclone Trevor. This audio is current at 2.30pm AEST on 21 March 2019.

WEATHER UPDATE: Severe tropical cyclone Trevor to cross the coast today, 19 March 2019
19 March 2019
Senior Meteorologist, Dr. Adam Morgan: discusses the passage and impact of Tropical Cyclone Trevor, which is now approaching the east coast of Cape York Peninsula.
AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Tropical Cyclone Trevor
18 March 2019
Meteorologist, Gabriel Branescu, from the Bureau of Meteorology's Queensland office, discusses the impact of Tropical Cyclone Trevor, which is expected to move west-southwest today before strengthening and making landfall near Lockhart River late Tuesday as a Category 2 system.

AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Cooler conditions on the way across Victoria
05 March 2019
Senior Meteorologist Chris Godfred talks about the cooler weather that is approaching Victoria and how it will affect forefighting efforts across the east of the state. Audio current at 11:00am on Tuesday 5 March 2019.
MEDIA CONFERENCE: BOM Autumn Outlook 2019
28 February 2019
The Bureau of Meteorology's Manager of Long-Range Forecasting, Dr. Andrew Watkins, and Meteorologist, Grace Legge, from the BOM Extreme Weather spoke to media about the release of the Bureau's Autumn Climate Outlook.
This video was recorded at Bureau of Meteorology headquarters in melbourne at 1pm on Thursday 28 February, 2019.

AUDIO: Heatwave conditions for most of Victoria
27 February 2019
Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon discuses the hot weather forecast for most of Victoria, including stuffy overnight temps Fri/Sat, fire danger, a cooler change on Sunday won't impact northern areas, statistics about heat in March, and theack of rain – especially in central and north western areas. Audio is current at 10.30am on 27/02/2019

AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Thunderstorm recap for Victoria
07 February 2019
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart talks about further thunderstorm activity across the state today as well as a recap of what happened overnight. Audio current as of 11:00am 7 Feb 2019

AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Smoky conditions in Victoria
04 February 2019
Senior Forecaster Michael Efron from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses the smoky conditions in Melbourne today and humid, unsettled conditions later this week. Audio is current as of 12.00pm on 4 February 2019.

AUDIO: Wrapping up Victoria's storms
31 January 2019
Bureau of Meteorology Victoria Senior Meteorologist Keris Arndt discusses the storms that swept across much of Victoria yesterday and looks ahead to the weekend forecast. Audio current at 2.00pm 31 January 2019.
VIDEO RECORDING: NSW/ACT press conference on heatwave conditions
15 January 2019
Recording of press conference with BOM NSW Manager of Weather Services Jane Golding, discussing heatwave conditions expected across the state.
Also taking part in the press conference were Deputy Commissioner Jeff Loy (State Emergency Operations Controller, NSW Police), Shane Fitzsimmons (Commissioner, NSW Rural Fire Service) and Dr Richard Broome (Director of Environmental Health, NSW Health).
AUDIO: Hot conditions for Tas
14 January 2019
Fire weather meteorologist, Alex Melitsis, from the Bureau of Meteorology in Tasmania discusses hot weather for Tasmania. Audio is current as of 10.45am on 14 January 2019.

AUDIO: Heatwave conditions across northern Victoria
14 January 2019
Senior Forecaster Michael Efron from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses heatwave conditions across northern Victoria. Audio is current as of 10am on 14 January 2019.
AUDIO: Heat for Victoria
10 January 2019
Senior Meteorologist Tom Delamotte from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses heat across Victoria. Audio is current as of 10.30am on 10 January 2019.
VIDEO: Annual Climate Statement 2018 press conference
10 January 2019
Recording of press conference regarding the Bureau's Annual Climate Statement 2018 with manager of climate monitoring Dr Karl Braganza.
Also featured are climatologist Dr Andrew Watkins, providing a brief update on the current three-month outlook and meteorologist Jonathan How discussing potential severe weather in the coming week.
AUDIO: Heat and fire danger in Tasmania
04 January 2019
Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania Fire Weather Meteorologist Alex Melitsis discusses heat and fire danger in Tasmania. Audio is current as of 10.30am on 4/1/2019.

AUDIO: Heat in Victoria
04 January 2019
Senior Meteorologist Tom Delamotte from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discusses heat in Victoria. Audio current as of 10.30am on 4/1/2019.

AUDIO: Hot conditions across Victoria
03 January 2019
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology, discusses the hot conditions being experienced across Victoria. Audio current at 10:30am on Thursday, 03 January 2019.
AUDIO: Hot conditions for Tasmania
02 January 2019
Senior Meteorologist Luke Johnston from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania discuss hot weather for Tasmania in coming days. Audio current as of 10.30am on 2 January 2019.
AUDIO: National Christmas & Boxing Day weather wrap
24 December 2018
Senior Meteorologist, Tony Nguyen from the Bureau of Meteorology takes a look around the nation at the weather that's forecast for the coming days, with heatwave conditions expected for many parts. Audio current at 11am on Monday, 24 December 2018.
AUDIO: Tasmania's Christmas and Boxing Day Forecast
24 December 2018
Meteorologist Rachel McInerney discusses Tasmania's forecast for the coming days.
Audio recording is current at 11am on Monday, 24 November 2018.
AUDIO: Victoria's forecast for Christmas and Boxing Day
24 December 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Beren Bradshaw from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria regarding outlook for Christmas Day and beyond. Audio current as of 11am 24/12/18/

AUDIO: Outlook for Victorian Christmas period
21 December 2018
Interview with Senior Forecaster Michael Efron from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria regarding outlook for Victorian Christmas period. Audio current as of 10am 21/12/18/

AUDIO: Rain and heat on the way for Victoria
20 December 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria regarding tomorrow's rain and forthcoming heat. Audio current as of 2.30pm on 20/12/2018/

AUDIO: Victoria's forecast all the way to Boxing Day
19 December 2018
Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses Victoria's seven-day forecast, including a look at the expected conditions for Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
Audio current 10.00am 19/12/18.

Victoria's Christmas foreast
18 December 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart discusses the weather for Victoria for the week ahead, including a preview of conditions for Christmas Day.
Audio current at 10:00am on 18/12/2018
AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Weekend rain in Tasmania
17 December 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Alex Melitsis from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania regarding rain in Tasmania. Audio current as of 10.30am on 16 December 2018.

Audio: Rainfall in Victoria
14 December 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Peter Newham from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria regarding forecast and recent rainfall in Victoria. Audio current as of 11am on 14 December.
AUDIO: Victorian rain update
13 December 2018
Senior Meteorologist, Rod Dickson discusses the heavy rain that is forecast for Victoria for Thursday and into Friday.
This audio is current at current at 10.00am on 13 December 2018
VIDEO: Press conference regarding severe weather in eastern Australia
12 December 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Extreme Weather Desk manager James Taylor discusses the severe weather systems expected to impact eastern Australia in the coming days. Press conference recorded 1pm AEDT 12 December 2018.

AUDIO: Two strong weather systems to impact eastern Australia
11 December 2018
Severe Weather Meteorologist, Grace Legge discusses ex-Tropical Cyclone Owen in the Gulf of Carpentaria and the strong low pressure system approaching south-eastern Australia.
This audio is current as of 3.00pm AEST on Tuesday, 11 December 2018.

AUDIO: Heavy rain on the way for Victoria
11 December 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist, Tom Delamotte discusses thelow pressure system that's heading Victoria's way, bringing the potential for heavy rain.
Audio current at 10am on 11/12/2018

VIDEO & AUDIO: Hot conditions across Victoria
06 December 2018
Senior Meteorologist, Chris Godfred from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses the hot conditions across Victoria over the next 48 hours.
This audio recording is current at 9am on Thursday, 6 December 2018. A video interview is available here; it will take approximately 10 minutes to download.

AUDIO: Spring summary for Tasmania
03 December 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discusses the spring summary for Tasmania. Current as of 12pm AEDT on 3 December, 2018.
GIF: Fires in Queensland
30 November 2018
Satellite footage of the Queensland fires 30 November 2018. Satellite image originally processed by the Bureau of Meteorology from the geostationary satellite Himawari-8 operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Click high-res to download gif.
VIDEO: Press conference regarding Bureau strategic relationship with AEMO
30 November 2018
Minister for Energy Angus Taylor, Bureau of Meteorology chief executive officer Andrew Johnson and Australian Energy Market Operator chief executive officer Audrey Ziebelman announce the strategic relationship between the Bureau and AEMO. Press conference recorded 10.30am on 20 November 2018.
VIDEO: Summer outlook press conference
29 November 2018
Recording of press conference regarding the Bureau's summer climate outlook with manager of long range forecasts Dr Andrew Watkins. Recorded at 11am on 29 November 2018.

AUDIO: Winds easing in Victoria
23 November 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart discusses the weather for Victoria this weekend.
Audio current at 11:00am on 23/11/2018

AUDIO: More wintry weather for Victoria
21 November 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist, Thomas Delamotte discusses the cold, wet and windy weather that's heading Victoria's way in the coming days.
Audio current at 12pm on 21/11/2018
AUDIO: Potential for heavy rainfall through Tasmania
20 November 2018
Meteorologist Rachel McInerney discussing the rain that's forecast for various parts of Tasmania in the coming days.
This audio recording is current at 1pm on Tuesday, 20 November 2018.

AUDIO: Cold front heading Victoria's way
20 November 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist, Chris Godfred discusses the weather systems coming Victoria's way for the rest of the week.
Audio current at 11:00am on 20/11/2018
AUDIO: Heavy rainfall for Tasmania this week
19 November 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania meteorologist Rachel McInerney discusses expected heavy rainfall in Tasmania this coming week.
Audio current as of 2pm AEDT on 19 November, 2018.

AUDIO: Erratic weather on the way for Victoria
19 November 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist, Chris Godfred discusses the changing weather that's on its way for most of Victoria in the coming days.
Audio current at 11:00am on 19/11/2018

AUDIO: Melbourne Cup Day forecast
05 November 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Senior Forecaster Michael Efron about the forecast for Melbourne Cup Day
Audio is current as of 11am AEDT on 5 November, 2018.

AUDIO: Victoria's hot night and cool change
02 November 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Victorian Severe Weather Manager Steven McGibbony discussing Victoria's hot night, cool change and latest Melbourne Cup forecast. This audio is current as of 9.00am on Monday 2 November 2018.
VIDEO: Heatwave service
31 October 2018
The Bureau of Meteorology's National Heatwave Project Director, John Nairn, explains heatwaves: what they are, why they are so dangerous and how to keep yourself safe when they happen.

AUDIO: Victoria preparing to heat up
29 October 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria discussing the high temperatures making their way to and through Victoria this week. This audio is current as of 11.20am on Monday 29 October 2018

AUDIO: Victoria's weather forecast
12 October 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Victoria Senior Meteorologist Keris Arndt discusses Victoria's weekend forecast as well as the potential for storms and rain early next week.

AUDIO: Cool change for Melbourne
27 September 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart discusses the cool change expected for Melbourne today as well as the forecast for the Grand Final parade. Audio current as of 11am 27 September 2018.

AUDIO: Victoria's frost & football forecast
20 September 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart discusses the cool overnight temperatures and looks ahead to the conditions expected for this weekend's AFL finals. Audio current as of 11am 20 September 2018.

AUDIO: Warm night before wintry blast for Vic
14 September 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Peter Newham discusses the conditions expected for Victoria, including sa warm night ahead of a wintry blast. Audio current as of 11am 14 September 2018.
VIDEO: PacWave Tsunami exercise
11 September 2018
Australia's preparedness for a major tsunami was put to the test with a full-scale exercise called PacWave18 on 11 September, 2018. Click 'high res' to download a video file featuring a simulation of the tsunami, tusnami warning buoys being deployed at sea and footage from the PacWave exercise.
AUDIO: 4pm Victoria thunderstorm update
06 September 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon discusses the potentially severe thunderstorms making their way through Central Victoria and expected to cross Melbourne.

AUDIO: Thunderstorms predicted for Victoria
06 September 2018
Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon discusses the conditions expected for Victoria, including severe thunderstorms forecast for Central Victoria and Melbourne.

VIDEO: Spring climate outlook press conference
30 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology senior climatologist Dr Andrew Watkins discussed the Spring outlook for Australia. Press confernce was recorded at 1pm on 30/8/18. Click the "high res" link above to download the video.

AUDIO: Cold start for Melbourne
28 August 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology New South Wales Senior Climatologist Blair Trewin, discussing cold conditions in Melbourne today. Audio current as of 11am AEST on 28 August 2018.

AUDIO: NSW winds and fire conditions
15 August 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology New South Wales Meteorologist Simon Louis, discussing windy conditions and fire weather for NSW. Audio current as of 12pm AEST on 15 August 2018.

AUDIO: Winds strengthen in Victoria
02 August 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Victoria Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon, discussing windy conditions for Victoria. Audio current as of 11am AEST on 2 August 2018
AUDIO: July climate summary for Tasmania
02 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discussed the July 2018 climate summary for Tasmania. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: July climate summary for the Northern Territory
01 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discussed the July 2018 climate summary for the Northern Territory. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: July climate summary for South Australia
01 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discussed the July 2018 climate summary for South Australia. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: July climate summary for Queensland
01 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discussed the July 2018 climate summary for Queensland. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: July climate summary for Victoria
01 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discussed the July 2018 climate summary for Victoria. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: July climate summary for NSW and the ACT
01 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discussed the July 2018 climate summary for New South Wales and the ACT. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: July climate summary for Australia
01 August 2018
Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan discussed the July 2018 national climate summary. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
Windy end to July for Victoria
31 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Dean Stewart about windy conditions forecast for Victoria. Audio current as of 3.00pm AEST on July 31, 2018.

AUDIO: Strong winds in Victoria
30 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Dean Steward about strong winds for Victoria. Audio current as of 2.30pm AEST on July 30, 2018.
Cloud conditions for Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
26 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Rod Dickson regarding conditions for the next two days, including the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on Saturday morning. Audio is current at 4.00pm 26/07/2018

AUDIO: Blustery conditions for Victoria
23 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Senior Forecaster Stephen King about forecast blustery conditions this afternoon/tomorrow in Victoria. Audio is current as of 12.30pm AEST on July 23, 2018.

AUDIO: Overnight wind gusts for Victoria and weekend outlook
19 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Senior Forecaster Michael Efron about overnight wind gusts and weekend weather outlook. Audio is current as of 11.15am AEST on July 19, 2018.
AUDIO: More windy weather for Victoria
18 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Victoria Senior Forecaster Michael Efron, discussing the forecast for strong winds around much of Victoria for the coming days. Audio current as of 11.30am AEST on July 18, 2018.

AUDIO: Strong winds forecast for Victoria (update)
17 July 2018
Update. Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Victoria Senior Forecaster Michael Efron, discussing the strong winds acros Victoria today and the forecast for the coming days. Audio current as of 4pm AEST on July 17, 2018.

AUDIO: Severe weather warning for parts of Victoria
06 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Dean Steward about strong winds for Victoria this weekend. Audio current as of 11.30am AEST on July 6, 2018.
AUDIO: Strong winds for Victoria
03 July 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Christie Johnson about strong winds for Victoria this week. Audio current as of 11am AEST on July 3, 2018.

AUDIO: Volcanic ash advisory for Mount Agung
29 June 2018
Interview with the Acting Manager of the Bureau of Meteorology's Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre, Tristan King. Tristan is discussing the volcanic ash advisory for Mount Agung. Audio current as of 10am AEST on June 29, 2018.

AUDIO: Winter burst on the way for Victoria
12 June 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Victoria Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon, discussing cold conditions about to impact Victoria. Audio current as of 2.00pm AEST on June 12, 2018.

AUDIO: Cold start to winter for Victoria
06 June 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology Senior Meteorologist Peter Newham regarding Victoria's cold start to winter and what lies ahead. Audio current as of 11am AEST on June 6, 2018.

AUDIO: Tasmania autumn climate summary
01 June 2018
Interview with Climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan regarding autumn climate summary. Audio current as of 1.30pm on 1 June, 2018.

VIDEO: Winter outlook media conference
31 May 2018
VIDEO: Current as of 1:00pm on Thursday May 31, 2018. Dr Andrew Watkins says the outlook suggests below average rainfall and above average temperatures will be experienced across large parts of the country. Please take whatever grabs you need from this media conference and attribute to the Bureau.
AUDIO: Winter outlook for TAS
31 May 2018
Bureau climatologist Jonathan Pollock discussed the winter outlook for Tasmania. Audio is current as of 10am 31 May. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: Winter outlook for NSW and ACT
31 May 2018
Bureau climatologist Jonathan Pollock discussed the winter outlook for New South Wales and the ACT. Audio is current as of 10am 31 May. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: Winter outlook for VIC
31 May 2018
Bureau climatologist Jonathan Pollock discussed the winter outlook for Victoria Audio is current as of 10am 31 May. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: Winter outlook for SA
31 May 2018
Bureau climatologist Jonathan Pollock discussed the winter outlook for South Australia. Audio is current as of 10am 31 May. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: Winter outlook for QLD
31 May 2018
Bureau climatologist Jonathan Pollock discussed the winter outlook for Queensland. Audio is current as of 10am 31 May. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.
AUDIO: Winter outlook for WA
31 May 2018
Bureau climatologist Jonathan Pollock discussed the winter outlook for Western Australia. Audio is current as of 10am 31 May. Click the "high res" link above to download the audio.

AUDIO: Severe weather warning for parts of Western Australia
24 May 2018
Interview with BOM WA spokesperson Neil Bennett about a significant cold front about to impact parts of Western Australia. Audio current as of 1pm AEST.

Weather update: Cold snap for southeastern Australia, 11 May 2018
11 May 2018
SEVERE WEATHER VIDEO: Current at 2.00pm AEDT on 11/5/2018. Meteorologist, Sarah Fitton discusses the cold snap across the south-east of the country.
AUDIO: Weather warnings for Tasmania this weekend
11 May 2018
Interview with Bureau of Meteorology meteorologist Brooke Oakley. Audio is current as of 3pm Friday, 11 May 2018.
AUDIO: Tasmania weather press conference
11 May 2018
Press conference featuring TAS Police Commissioner Darren Hine, SES Director Andrew Lea, Deputy Regional Chief South Greg Butters, Acting State Manager BoM Simon McCulloch and Premier Will Hodgman. Audio available here.
AUDIO: Weather forecast for Victoria
11 May 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Rod Dickson about the weather in Victoria across the weekend. This audio recording is current for Friday, 11 May 2018 as at 10am.

Low pressure system impacting Victoria
10 May 2018
PRESS CONFERENCE: Current as of 10:30am AEST 10/5/18. Steven McGibbony, Severe Weather Manager at the Bureau of Meteorology and Tim Wiebusch, Chief Operations Officer at the SES, speak to the media about a low pressure system impacting Victoria.

AUDIO: Severe weather warning for parts of Tasmania
10 May 2018
Interview with with Supervising Meteorologist David Matthews from the Bureau of Meteorology about severe weather for Tasmania. This audio recording is current for Thursday, 10 May 2018 as at 12pm.

AUDIO: Update on Victoria's forecast for cold and wet conditions
09 May 2018
Interview with Senior Forecaster Michael Efron about the approaching low pressure system in Victoria. This audio is current at 11.00am 09/05/2018.
AUDIO: Victorian forecast for cold and wet conditions
08 May 2018
Interview with Victoria Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon about the approaching low pressure system in Victoria. This audio is current at 12.00pm 08/05/2018.

AUDIO: Severe weather warning for damaging winds across Tasmania
07 May 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Alex Melitsis from the Bureau of Meteorology. Alex discusses the severe weather warning current for damaging winds across all of Tasmania. This audio is current for Monday, 7 May 2018 at 10.45am.
AUDIO: Victorian weather update 7/5/2018
07 May 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Chris Godfred from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria regarding the cold snap that is forecast to hit Victoria later this week. The content is current at 11.00am 07/05/2018.

AUDIO: Victorian rain wrap-up & weekend forecast
04 May 2018
Interview with Senior Meteorologist Chris Godfred from the Bureau of Meteorology Victoria regarding rainfall over the past 24 hours and the forecast for the weekend ahead. The content is current at 10.30am 04/05/2018.

AUDIO: Victoria - Severe Weather Warning
02 May 2018
Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses the Severe Weather Warning issued for parts of Victoria for Thursday. This forecast is current as of 3.00pm AEDT on Wednesday, 2 May 2018.
AUDIO: Victoria's April climate summary
01 May 2018
Senior Climatologist Dr Blair Trewin from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses the April climate summary for Victoria. This audio is current at 1.30pm on 1 May 2018.

AUDIO: NSW's April climate summary
01 May 2018
Senior Climatologist Dr Blair Trewin from the Bureau of Meteorology discusses the April climate summary for New South Wales. This audio is current at 1.30pm on 1 May 2018.

AUDIO: Tasmania's April climate summary
01 May 2018
Climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan from the Bureau of Meteorology Tasmania discusses the April climate summary. This audio is current at 1.30pm on 1 May 2018.

Tasmania's Anzac Day forecast
24 April 2018
AUDIO: Supervising Meteorologist Dave Matthews (pictured) from the Bureau of Meteorology's Tasmania office discusses the forecast for the state for Anzac Day, especially scheduled dawn services.
Potentially damaging and destructive winds in Victoria this weekend
13 April 2018
PRESS CONFERENCE: Current as of 13/4/2018. Victoria is facing potentially damaging winds across the weekend. BoM's Peter Otto speaks.
AUDIO: Dangerous Fire Weather Conditions today across SA
11 April 2018
AUDIO NEWS RELEASE: Supervising Meteorologist, Paul Lainio, discusses today's dangerous fire weather conditions across South Australia and the forecast for the latter part of the week.

Victoria's weather forecast
09 April 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 3.30pm AEDT on Monday, 09 April 2018. Senior Forecaster Tom Delamotte discusses the warmer weather expected in Victoria over the coming days.

Victoria's warm and dry weather
05 April 2018
Audio current as of 3.30pm AEDT on Thursday, 05 April 2018. Duty Forecaster Richard Russell from the Bureau of Meteorology's Victoria office discusses the state's expected warmer weather.

Final update on tropical cyclone Iris off the central coast of Queensland
05 April 2018
SEVERE WEATHER VIDEO: Current at 2.00pm AEDT on 5/4/2018. Senior Meteorologist, Adam Morgan, with a final update on tropical cyclone Iris off the central coast of Queensland.

Tasmania's March climate summary
03 April 2018
AUDIO: Current at 12.00pm AEDT on Tuesday, 03 April 2018. Bureau of Meteorology Climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan talks about Tasmania's March climate summary.

Victoria's Easter Forecast
28 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 3.00pm AEDT on Wednesday, 28 March 2018. Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology's Victorian Forecasting Centre talks about the forecast for the state over the approaching Easter period.

Rain and flooding in Tropical North Queensland
27 March 2018
SEVERE WEATHER VIDEO: Current at 4.00pm AEDT on 27/3/2018. Meteorologist, Jonathan How discusses the torrential rain and flooding in Tropical North Queensland over the last few days, and particularly the last 24 hrs around Cairns.

Tropical Cyclone Nora
23 March 2018
SEVERE WEATHER VIDEO: Current at 3.00pm AEDT on 20/3/2018. Meteorologist, Jonathan How discusses tropical cyclone Nora, which has formed off the north-eastern Top End. Nora is currently a Category Two system located about 250km north of Nhulunbuy and continues to rapidly intensify as it moves towards the south-east.

Victoria's weekend weather
23 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 2.00pm AEDT on Friday, 23 March 2018. Senior Meteorologist Michael Efron from the Bureau of Meteorology's Victorian Forecasting Centre talks about the weather that's on its way to Victoria this weekend. For much of the state it will bring the first significant rain in some time.

Weekend weather update for Victoria
22 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 12.00pm AEDT on Thursday, 22 March 2018. Senior Meteorologist Tom Delamotte from the Bureau of Meteorology's Victorian Forecasting Centre discusses the weather Victoria can expect for the coming weekend. He also talks about expected conditions for a big weekend of sport, which includes the Australian Formula-One Grand Prix and round 1 of the AFL season.

NSW rainfall update
21 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 2.00pm AEDT on 21 March 2018. Forecaster Rose Barr discuses the latest forecast for the Hunter and Lower Mid North Coast regions of NSW, which are currently covered by a severe weather warning for heavy rainfall. Widespread steady rain will continue to fall today and Thursday over a broad area stretching from Jervis Bay to Coffs Harbour, and over to the eastern ranges.

Very heavy rainfall for central parts of NSW coast
20 March 2018
SEVERE WEATHER VIDEO: Current at 5.30pm AEDT on 20/3/2018. Senior Forecaster, Adam Morgan discusses the very heavy rainfall that is forecast for central parts of the NSW coast.

Heavy rainfall forecast for NSW Central Coast
20 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 1.20pm AEDT on Tueday, 20 March 2018.
The Bureau of Meteorology's NSW Severe Weather Manager Simon Louis discusses the heavy rainfall forecast for coastal areas between Wollongong and Coffs Harbour over the coming 24 hours.

Third update on topical cyclone Marcus in NT
16 March 2018
SEVERE WEATHER VIDEO: Current at 3.00pm AEDT on 16/3/2018. Senior Forecaster, Adam Morgan discusses Tropical Cyclone Marcus and its expected impacts. Marcus is forecast to cross the Cobourg Peninsula today, and move southwest into the Van Diemen Gulf and towards Darwin. We expect weather conditions to deteriorate from Friday evening in Darwin, with the wind and rain continuing through Saturday as Marcus passes close by.

Tropical Cyclone Watch for the NT
16 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 2.00pm (AEDT) 16/3/2018. Senior Meteorologist Grace Legge from the Bureau of Meteorology gives an update on Cyclone Marcus off the Northern Territory coast.
Tropical Cyclone Watch for the NT
15 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 4.00pm AEDT 15/3/2018. Senior Meteorologist James Taylor from the Bureau of Meteorology's National Operations Centre discuses the Cyclone Watch which has been issued for parts of the Northern Territory.

Victoria's weekend forecast
15 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 2.00pm 15/3/2018. Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology gives the Thursday afternoon update on the weekend ahead. Much of the state is expecting warm conditions on Saturday followed by a windy cool change to move through on Sunday.

Weekend forecast update for Victoria
14 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 2.15pm 14/03/2018. Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon from the Bureau of Meteorology explains that Victoria is expected to see mild and dry conditions continuing this week with temperatures and fire danger increasing on Saturday. A cool change with strong winds is predicted to cross the state on Sunday, bringing cooler temperatures and the chance of rain in southern areas.

Windy weekend ahead for Victoria
14 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 2.30pm 13/3/18. Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart from the Bureau of Meteorology, explains that Victoria will experience mild temperatures this week, spiking over the weekend. There is the potential for strong winds/dangerous fire weather on Sunday due to a vigorous cold front. Dry conditions continue to prevail across the state.

Labour Day long weekend forecast for Tasmania
09 March 2018
AUDIO: Current at 4:00pm on Friday March 9, 2018. Supervising meteorologist Simon McCulloch explains that a broad area of high pressure surrounds Tasmania with the main centre to the east and is expected to slowly collapse on Saturday as a front moves across the Bight. The front will cross Tasmania early Sunday. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

National forecast for the first week of autumn
28 February 2018
VIDEO: Current as of 1:00pm on Wednesday February 28, 2018. Forecaster Dean Narramore from the Bureau's National Operations Centre previews what's expected for the first week of autumn, including the low pressure system that's developed off Northern Queensland, bringing widespread rain. Please take whatever grabs you need from this media conference and attribute to the Bureau.

La Nina on the way out as Australia heads into autumn
28 February 2018
VIDEO: Current as of 1:00pm on Wednesday February 28, 2018. Daytime and overnight temperatures through out March are likely to be cooler in the west and the southern mainland, but warmer in Queensland, the NT and Tasmania. Manager of long-range forecasting, Dr Andrew Watkins, says a weak La Niña pattern remains in the tropical Pacific, but continues to decline with a likely end in autumn. Please take whatever grabs you need from this media conference and attribute to the Bureau.

Blustery conditions return to Victoria
27 February 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 2:30pm on Tuesday February 27, 2018. Senior Meteorologist Richard Carlyon says a severe weather warning has been issued for some Victorian regions, he expects it to be warm overnight before a cool change. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Gusty change and significant temperature drop forecast for Melbourne
22 February 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 2:30pm on Thursday February 22, 2018. Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart says a gusty change is forecast for Melbourne on Saturday that is likely to produce potentially damaging winds and see a signficant drop in temperature. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Potentially strong easterly winds extending across Victoria
19 February 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 11:00am on Monday February 19, 2018. Senior Meteorologist Tom Delamotte from the Bureau of Meteorology's Victorian Forecasting Centre covers potentially strong easterly winds across Victoria this afternoon.

Tropical low over northern WA likely to develop into a tropical cyclone
15 February 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 3:00pm on Thursday February 15, 2018. Senior Forecaster, Brad Santos, from the Bureau's Cyclone Warning Centre provides an update on the tropical low that's currently located off the Kimberley coast. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Media conference: Victoria's windy blast
14 February 2018
VIDEO: Current as of 2:30pm on Wednesday February 14, 2018. Severe Weather Manager for Victoria Steven McGibbony explains what's behind the state's wild weather. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Melbourne battered by strong wind gusts
14 February 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 10:00am on Wednesday February 14, 2018. Senior Meteorologist Dean Stewart explains where the strongest wind gusts were recorded in Victoria and when the weather conditions will ease. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Be careful Cupid, strong winds forecast ahead of Valentine's Day in Victoria
13 February 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 10:30am on Tuesday February 13, 2018. Senior Forecaster Stephen King explains the blustery conditions expected tomorrow and where the strongest gusts are likely to be. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Weather update for Hobart Regatta Long Weekend
09 February 2018
AUDIO: Current as of 2:30pm on Friday February, 2018. Meteorologist Simon McCulloch explains what's expected for the Hobart Regatta Long Weekend. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Milder conditions in Melbourne but remaining hot across the north of the State
08 February 2018
AUDIO: Senior meteorologist Richard Carlyon explains weather conditions for Victoria for the coming days. Current as of 3pm Thursday February 8, 2018. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

A short, sharp burst of very hot weather is on the way
05 January 2018
VIDEO: Michael Logan, BOM National Operations Manager explains the upcoming burst of hot weather. Current as of 2:30pm on Friday January 5, 2018. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.

Very hot conditions and fire danger for parts of Australia this weekend
04 January 2018
AUDIO: James Taylor, Acting Manager of the Extreme Weather Desk expects very hot conditions ahead of a dry and gusty cool change. Current as of 12:00pm on Thursday January 4, 2018. Please take whatever grabs you need from this interview and attribute to the Bureau.