Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

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Bureau issues Climate Outlook for December 2015 to February 2016


The Bureau of Meteorology today issued its monthly and seasonal climate outlooks for December 2015 to January 2016.

December temperatures are likely to be warmer than average for southern Australia, while rainfall is likely to be above average across southeast Queensland and northeast NSW, parts of the interior and southwestern Australia.

The summer outlook indicates below-average rainfall is likely across the northwest and Cape York Peninsula, and wetter across parts of the east. The daytime temperature outlook is patchy, with warmer days likely in parts of the west and north, while parts of the southeast are likely to be cooler.

Daytime temperatures are likely to be average to warmer-than-average for most of Australia. Meanwhile, overnight temperatures are likely to be warmer across most of the country except the southeast.

Current climate influences include a combination of a strong El Niño in the Pacific, a decaying positive Indian Ocean Dipole, and very warm Indian Ocean temperatures.

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