Australia's most spectacular weather photography on show in the Bureau of Meteorology's 2022 weather calendar

Dust devils, supercell thunderstorms and lightning strikes are among some of the most breathtaking weather events showcased in the 2022 Bureau of Meteorology weather calendar, on sale now.
The calendar's images were captured by professional and amateur photographers and are accompanied by an explanation from Bureau meteorologists.
Each month features a different weather phenomenon from across the country selected as part of a national photographic competition, which drew more than 1400 submissions this year.
Bureau meteorologist Dean Narramore said this year's images showcased the diverse and spectacular range of weather Australia experiences, from auroras captured in remote Western Australia to wave-like asperitas clouds in Tasmania.
"The calendar is a fantastic opportunity to further educate Australians about the weather events and other phenomena the Bureau monitors and informs the community about every day," he said.
"One of my favourite images is the July photo. It's a supercell thunderstorm in Gympie, Queensland – a particularly strong, long-lived type of thunderstorm that can sustain itself for hours.
"Supercells are an impressive sight, but many people don't realise just how dangerous they can be. This one brought very strong winds, heavy rainfall and in some areas, hail up to the size of tennis balls.
"The rotating base you can see in the photograph is a clear indication that the storm is severe, and that potentially dangerous conditions may be on the way. Anybody seeing something like this should check the current warnings on our website or on the BOM Weather App.
"We love putting the calendar out every year, because we get to teach people about how the weather works all the while admiring these spectacular images of uniquely Australian landscapes and breathtaking weather events."
The 2022 Bureau of Meteorology weather calendar can be ordered online from 3 November at, with options available to send to multiple locations domestically and internationally.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, purchases can only be made online or by calling 1300 798 789.
The multi-media kit, including low and high-res versions of each featured image and video grabs with Dean Narramore, is available here:
All photographers have agreed to their images being published only when accompanied by editorial coverage about the calendar. All rights are retained by the photographers so please credit images to them.
This year's calendar features an image from each state/territory and the following weather phenomena:
- Cover photo - Dust devil near Whim Creek, Pilbara, Western Australia – Coral Stanley-Joblin
- January - Aurora australis from Norring Lake, Wagin, Western Australia – Grahame Kelaher
- February - Downburst seen on descent into Normanton, Queensland – Will Long
- March - Mammatus clouds, Daylesford, Victoria – Martina Nist
- April - Asperitas clouds, Strathgordon area, Tasmania – Dotan Beck
- May - Lightning strike near Forster, New South Wales – Cliff Gralton
- June - Afternoon thunderstorm, Gunn Point, Northern Territory – Louise Denton
- July - Supercell thunderstorm, Gympie, Queensland – Bet Wright
- August - Salt dust storm, Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre, South Australia – Cathryn Vasseleu
- September - Lightning over Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane, Queensland – Chris Darbyshire
- October - Large swell along the coast near Port Campbell, Victoria – Andrew Thomas
- November - Rime ice on vegetation, Mt St Phillack, Baw Baw National Park, Victoria – Jason Freeman
- December - Aurora australis over Davis station meteorological office, Antarctica – Barry Becker